Do You Have Ten Minutes to Try Something New?

Hello everyone!

Christopher Peck with Speak Into Action Communications.

Albert Einstein famously said, "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."

I'm not sure if it's the New Year, new goals, new videos, but I have found myself reminiscences on past failures a lot in recent days--both professional and personal.

No doubt it's shame, guilt, and fear screaming at me to stop being vulnerable and putting myself out there before a make a complete fool of myself.

Einstein's words are comforting because they remind us that what our head noise--inner demons, shame tracks, whatever you want to call it--perceives as monumental even cataclysmic failures/mistakes/inadequacy is actually necessary, incremental growth.

Progress, not perfection, should be the goal of any innovative business leader. The mistakes that come from putting ourselves out there and trying something new ultimately lead to advancement and success.

So here's my challenge to you:

It’s no secret I would dearly love everyone in my circle to use video as a sharing device for their thoughts and ideas. And we make all sorts of excuses not to. Time, resources, money--although I guarantee in the time it takes you to write a 300-word blog, you could create an awesome video using the camera on your phone and you would still have content for your awesome blog.

But if a lack of time is really your motivating factor for not producing video content then listen to the words of Einstein, don't be afraid to make a mistake, and limit yourself to three takes. 300 words is 2-3 minutes of content. Three takes is ten minutes.

Do you have ten minutes to make yourself seen, felt, and experienced by your online connections?

So why not try something new?

Progress, not perfection.

Thanks for reading, this is Christopher Peck with Speak Into Action Communications--helping businesses perform better, by training better performers.

P.S. Write "Secret" in the comments section and I'll message you my simple trick for creating succinct, well-spoken videos.

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