Hey everyone, Christopher Peck with Speak Into Action Communications.

There's a common phrase of unknown origin which has circulated in some form or another for hundreds--if not longer--of years,

"It is better to remain silent and have people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Empathy, information, thoughtfulness, and active-listening are absolutely necessary skills before launching into our own opinions. And if this common saying was, "Practice empathy, information-gathering, thoughtfulness, and active-listening before launching into your own opinion," I would be talking about something else right now.

But that's not what this quote says. This statement implies we have two choices: remain silent, and because we never share any ideas, be perceived as stupid...

Or share our ideas which are stupid.

Regardless, we are stupid.

Sadly, most of us have been on the giving or receiving (or more likely both) ends of this statement.

So it's not hard to see why public speaking continues to be one of the biggest fears in this country; why people think it's a skill you're either born with or not; why some think communication skills are a luxury, not a necessity, for their personal and professional growth; and why others protect themselves by sharing their ideas behind pseudonyms.

Because you're stupid anyway, right?

And it's better to not communicate your ideas and just be perceived as stupid then to share your stupid ideas and confirm the truth.

This is no way to live.

Friends, we need a communication revolution.

I'm proud to be connected with so many bright, talented professionals who have important, creative ideas to share.

And I'm here to tell you it's not better to keep those incredible ideas to yourself.

It's not better to cultivate environments where ideas are thought of as stupid.

It's not better to lead through condescension, ridicule, and fear.

It is better to shout our freaking amazing ideas from the rooftops so others can benefit and maybe, just maybe, be influenced to share amazing ideas of their own.

So what are your big ideas?

Are you sharing them boldly? Unapologetically?

Or do you think they're too stupid to share?

Your ideas aren't stupid.

You're not stupid.

Just keep creating.

Thanks for reading, if you're already sharing your big ideas on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook or anywhere else, post the link in the comments section. Your ideas are inspiring and I want to see more.

This is Christopher Peck with Speak Into Action Communications--helping businesses perform better by training better performers.

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