When I was ten, I humiliated myself participating in the school spelling bee.

Every spelling bee begins with a practice round. An easy word to prepare participants and build a little confidence.

“Spell Job”, the facilitator announced.

“Job, G.O.B., Job.”

I sat down, horrified, knowing the damage was done. I would be eliminated in the first round and spend weeks listening to peers reenact my disgrace.

But instead of crawling into a hole and never presenting myself on stage again, I chose a career in the theatre, and one marked with significant achievements.

So when I made a important pivot in my life, and moved to Denver to start a business as a Strategic Communication Coach, I was confident my skills would speak for themselves.

What I didn’t anticipate was the immergence of a scared, humiliated, and stupid-feeling ten-year-old who couldn’t spell the word “job”. And despite a great business coach and a competent business plan, I couldn’t present the best version of myself because I didn’t believe I was good enough.

In 2018 I thought I was done. Outside of serving my current clients, I did nothing to grow my business.

It wasn’t until October of 2018 when a friend asked me to present to a small group that things turned around. I gained two new clients and a renewed sense of purpose, and realized the value of my offering was more important than the “ten-year-old-head-noise” of shame, humiliation, and stupidity.

Now I have amazing clients and a deeply personal understanding of the value I bring. We all have an inner child, quietly reminding us of the humiliation which can come from asserting our ideas and putting ourselves out there. Sadly, some leaders even prey on those inner voices to silence their employees.

But businesses wanting to stand out in their industry need a team willing to execute the authentic identity of the company. And to ensure business owners and employees present the best version of themselves they require training, support, and accountability.

Twenty years of theatrical experience helps me enhance the communication strategies, presentations, public-speaking, customer service, and script-based sales for businesses.

But it’s my experience with self-doubt, humiliation, and shame that make me uniquely qualified to help individuals overcome their own fears and feelings of inadequacy and present the best version of themselves.

What challenges do you and your team face performing and executing the experience of your business?

Contact me for a free consultation and let’s collaborate on a plan to present the absolute best version of you, your employees, and your business.
