What's Your Process/Trust Your Process: Part 1, What's Your Process?

Hello everyone,

Christopher Peck with Speak Into Action Communications.

Thanks for joining me for this two-part series: What's Your Process/Trust Your Process.

Today is Part 1:

What's Your Process?

I’m going to begin with a baseball metaphor and if you've worked with me as a client, actor, or student, you know I love my baseball metaphors.

Growing up, I loved everything about baseball. I love the game, I love the stats, I love the rhythm and pacing. It's beautiful.

Also, as a tall, lanky kid I was appropriately built to be a pitcher.

And I remember, when I was young, throwing the baseball to my dad in our front driveway.

"Don't aim," he would yell. Which didn't make any sense to me. How do I throw accurately if I don't aim?

What I realized as I grew and matured as a pitcher and player is skills like accuracy and velocity don't come from willing or forcing a baseball to do what you want it to do. They come from process. Mechanics, release point, and muscle memory guarantees the ability to successfully throw a baseball where you want it to go time and time again.

Guess what? Successful communication processes--the ability to develop and retain relationships--is built on none other than muscle memory.

The breakdown I see is while no one would argue baseball is not about process and practice, so many are resistant toward process and practice as necessary components of successful communication.

"I don't want to use a script because it feels inauthentic."

"I can't use the same process for every person because every person is different."

"I just like to wing it in the moment."

Let me repeat the wisdom of my father: "Don't aim."

Ensure success by developing a process for engaging people, building relationships, and presenting the best version of yourself.

This is what I love to do: Design, implement, and execute breakthrough communication strategies for businesses and business professionals.

So if you're not sure what your communication process needs to look like, contact me right now. The first two people who connect with me and mention this blog will receive a free ‘Breakthrough Language’ Strategy Session. Let’s create a language for your business that breaks through to the core of your ideal client’s inner decision maker!

Thanks for reading and make sure to check out my blog next week for the second part of the series: Trust Your Process!

This is Christopher Peck with Speak Into Action Communications; helping businesses perform better by training better performers.

Enjoyed the read? Every blog is available on my Youtube channel in video format along with other great content. Subscribe today!


What's Your Process/Trust Your Process: Part 2, Trust Your Process!


Breakthrough Communicators: How to establish an instant connection