Chris: Hey Arielle!
Arielle: Hey Chris!
Chris: So websites need an “About Us” page.
Arielle: Great! You start!
Chris: Okay! You already know this story' but when I first started ‘Speak Into Action,’ I was driving for Uber and remember a conversation with a rider. I told him I was a Public Speaking Coach to which he replied, “I feel like public speaking is a skill you’ve either got or you don’t.”
Arielle: Well that’s not true.
Chris: It wasn’t for me! I was painfully shy growing up and terrified of speaking in front of others. In fact, in the 5th grade I was so nervous during the school spelling bee, I misspelled the word '“job”.
Many people have the same misconception about sales. You either have it, or you don’t.
Arielle: Yikes! So how did you overcome your fear?
Chris: I found theatre. I learned confidence, story-telling, collaboration, people-skills, and how to present the best version of myself.
Arielle: It’s interesting, I think many people have the same misconception about sales. You either have it, or you don’t.
Chris: I would agree with that. Which is why companies are so desperately looking for the person who “has it.”
Arielle: Sure, but there aren’t enough of those people to go around. If everyone could just hire an abundance of top-producing talent, you wouldn’t have such high attrition in commission-based jobs.
Chris: Also, hiring the “best of the best” isn’t the only answer.
Arielle: Of course not. You just have to figure out what motivates people, then give them the tools to be successful. When I was a Lead Trainer, I had to guide my team past their own personal fears and insecurities and then show them how to use vocal techniques, body-language, enthusiasm and confidence to hook their ideal client.
With a great script and exceptional training, you can take anyone willing to learn and make them more effective.
Chris: And a script!
Arielle: You do love scripts.
Chris: I’m a theatre guy, I love scripts! And like you said, sales brings out so many insecurities. Fear of asking for money, or “bothering” people, or looking and sounding foolish.
Arielle: That’s a big one. I worked with a lot of people who were so afraid being enthusiastic would make them look stupid.
Chris: Right! And without a script we end up reinventing the wheel every time. Should I say this? Or that? When do I ask the client to take action? But a script makes it a process we can turn to again and again. And of course we refine the process over time but we don’t reinvent it.
Arielle: Which means consistency.
Chris: Yup. Everyone in the organization is using the same language and maintaining the integrity of the mission and brand.
Arielle: And the best part is, with a great script and exceptional training you can take anyone willing to learn and make them a more effective salesperson, field marketer, cold-caller, public speak, and business leader.
Chris: Which benefits the whole organization.
Arielle: So if your company is ready to make a profitable investment in your team, call Speak Into Action today. Our consultations are free, we’ll listen to the specific needs and goals of your organization, and show you how training and script development will have a valuable impact on you, your employees, and your entire organization.
Chris: Call us today!
Our Mission
Speak Into Action Communications utilizes script development and professional communication training strategies to help businesses and professionals build stronger client relationships and establish influence within their industry.